
Sunday, 27 October 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday - in Melbourne!!

It's really hard to say 'cheese' Mummy, when I just want to look at the 'hairplane'
So, due to working grandparents, big sister at uni, big brother at school...we decided that we would take a short break from farm life and head back to a big city - Happy Birthday in Melbourne :)

Little man LOVES 'hairplanes' and 'Hairports' at the moment, and of course he is still besotted with trains! On top of all the transport that Melbourne offers, it also has Melbourne Zoo and Melbourne Aquarium. Just to add to the three day trip, my lovely friend from Perth, Janine, was going to be in town with her hubby - so we could catch up :) Don't let the smile fool you on the photo above, this little angel had a screaming meltdown on descent (the total flight time is 40 minutes), because HE didn't want to put his seatbelt on! Daddy tried his best, but little angel was in full scream flight mode until Mummy leaned across and gave him the look...just as he was settling down and being distracted, the well meaning elderly gentleman behind decided to lean forward and poke little man from between the seat!!!! Behaviour took an about face, and screams resumed whilst I contemplated throwing him over the seat and onto the elderly dear's lap...oh the time the meltdown had completed we were wheels on the tarmac.

Just outside the airport we boarded the coach into Melbourne CBD. No meltdowns here and seatbelt firmly on at all times - (toddler was sitting with Mummy).  Out of the station and the fireman asked if little man would like to sit in a fire engine - oh yes please!!!

Then it was trams (and numerous tram rides) through the city and to our hotel.  A 20 min walk from our hotel through the lanes and streets of the CBD got us to the Aquarium where we were meeting Janine.  It was a tearful hello, we haven't seen each other in a year and a half, and huge exclamations on both sides (how good Janine and Hubby looked - how big little man had grown).  Little charmer then carefully held Janine's hand and we took off to the pub.  Two (very short and quick) hours later, we had all caught up, and Little man had partially been adopted by a young couple that he kept going to sit with, it was time to say goodbye. A teary farewell with promises of another catch-up soon and we parted :(

The next two days was a blur of zoo animals, train rides (with toddler shouting 'points', 'signals', 'RAILWAY') and a very hyper little boy who RAN everywhere (when he wasn't restrained in his stroller - and even then he tried to get out under his seatbelt and run his feet along the floor ARGHHHH).

Then is was back home for the birthday festival to continue...


1 comment:

  1. Was so wonderful to see you all, looks like little one had a wonderful extended birthday & got heaps of presents, I love his cake, & pity that young couple at the pub weren't on the plane, wee one would have loved that ha ha, love Janine xxx
