
Sunday 10 March 2013

UK Granddad and beautiful Tasmania #2

Pademelon (wallaby)
We didn't get photos of everywhere we went over the last two weeks, but here are some more of Granddad and lovely Tasmania...

Grindlewald - Swedish Village
Boags Brewery Tour - Launceston
Strawberry picking - Hillwood Strawberry Farm
Mt Roland - Sheffield
Lilydale (local) Tavern
2y.o at Hillwood Strawberry Farm
Granddad & Grandson - Sheffield


  1. Ooh those strawberries look divine. I wish I could get mine in a neat row like that!

    1. Strawberries tasted even better than they looked! Hillwood farm do amazing things with their berries - from wines to body lotion! I was dragged out of the shop with 2 kilos of strawberries and before I could buy anything else LOL
